Unit 4.1 – Memorandum for Jade’s Formal Report about AI Ethics (Revised on Apr 17)

To: Michael Ly, Amy McCoan and Angie Zhou, ENGL 301 Amy’s team
From: Jade Duan, ENGL301 Student
Date: April 8, 2023
Subject: Jade’s Complete Formal Report submission


As required by assignment 4.1, I have completed my Formal Report titled as Feasibility of Assimilating AI Ethics Awareness into Computer Science Course Projects, and am posting it on the team forum.

Micheal’s review suggestions helped me correct my organization and formatting issues, to which I owe much gratitude. I have addressed all feedback points, except for the one about conducting more interviews with independent instructors to remove bias. I regret to say my study schedule with other courses disallow me to do so, therefore I added the concern into my Limitations of the study section. I still achieved significant improvement by eliminating all the other issues, while filling in more detailed information omitted in the first draft. The completed report includes all of the following required components:

  • Letter of transmittal
  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Report (with at least three visuals)
  • Appendices
  • Works Cited

Please find said report as a pdf file in the enclosure of this memorandum, which was recently revised to correct minor phrasing and coherence issues. Furthermore, please contact me at any time if you have concerns or suggestions regarding this report. Thank you.

Enclosure: 301 Jade Duan 4.1 Completed Report (revised).pdf

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