4:2 Application Package – Miranda Tang

This page presents my application materials for the position of Learning Labs Technical Support Student at Sauder Learning Service as part of assignment 4:2. The documents provide a current overview of my qualifications.

This page includes a job posting from Sauder Learning Service, a cover letter tailored to the posting, examples of requests for reference letters, and a resume customized to the position.

  • Job Description:

UBC CareersOnline, https://ubc-csm.symplicity.com/students/app/employers/e2d98e9f925214b05e83a1bd38148144/overview.

4.2 Learning Labs Technical Support Student JD

  • Cover Letter:

4.2 Mingyue (Miranda) Tang – Cover Letter

  • Resume:

4.2 Mingyue (Miranda) Tang – Resume

  • Three Letters Requesting References:

4.2 Letters requesting references

=> One Whole Document:

Application Package – Miranda Tang


Online Resume

Mingyue (Miranda) Tang

Mobile: 1-(236)-XXX-XXXX | Vancouver, BC | E-mail: mtang78@student.ubc.ca



The University of British Columbia, Department of Computer Science
Vancouver, BC

Bachelor of Computer Science (Second Degree)
Sept 2022 – present

East China Normal University, School of International Chinese Studies
Shanghai, China

Bachelor of Arts in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, Minor in French
Sept 2017 – Jun 2022

  • GPA: 3.81/4.0, Ranking: 1/66, Achieved full GPA in Data Processing, Statistics, Python, C, Discrete Mathematics
  • East China Normal University Academic Awards: Second Prize 2018; First Prize 2019; Grand Prize 2021

Durham University, Department of Education
Durham, England

China Scholarship Council (CSC) Exchange Program
Sept 2019 – Jun 2020


  • Technical Skills: Proficient with Office, SQL, Stata, SPSS, PS, Axure; Familiar with Java; Beginner in C, C++ & Python
  • Languages: English (Proficient: IELTS 8.0); Mandarin (Native); French (Elementary)


Shanghai Venus Software Corporation
Shanghai, China

Product Manager Intern
May 2021 – Jul 2021

  • Using Axure built prototypes for software programs which optimize user experience with dynamic interaction effects both on apps and the web to simulate program functions.

CIFI Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd.
Shanghai, China

Human Resources Intern
Sept 2020 – Dec 2020

  • Built a data analysis tool with Excel, SQL and batch files which simplified the reporting of monthly records from a three-day task to a button click.
  • Created information classification method which turns 20 pages of reports into 5 pages of PPT. The outcome was highly praised and broadly shared as a template throughout the whole company.

New York University Shanghai, Career Development Center (CDC)
Shanghai, China

Data Analytics Intern
May 2020 – Sept 2020

  • Simplified data management of graduates by creating an automatic macro-Excel template. It transforms the data management in CDC and now is their working tool.
  • Completed a comprehensive report on campus recruitment campaign that visualizes the most ideal graduation time in the job market, along with a progress report that keeps track of seniors’ job and graduate school applications.


Founding Team of Project “International Baccalaureate (IB) Reading Platform”
Shanghai, China

Core Participant
Oct 2018 – Sept 2019

  • Initiated collaboration with 5 other students from different academic backgrounds, together with the team obtained first-hand resources and summarized current trends in second language teaching via market surveys, identified pain spots of IB reading tests and wrote a business proposal in response.
  • Ours was the only team (out of 15 applicants) to be funded by the government, receiving a grant of 15000rmb. With these funds, we were able to design an online reading platform and promote it to international schools in Shanghai.

East China Normal University, School of International Chinese Studies
Shanghai, China

President of Organizational Department, Student Union
Sept 2018 – Jun 2019

  • Listened to students’ concerns and devised solutions. The most crucial event of the year was focused on the job market, with the guest speakers selected from previous graduates. The event was promoted both offline and online, and attendance was doubled vs. the previous year. Feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive.
  • Won the annual award “Outstanding Student Leader of East China Normal University” during 2018-2019.


Durham County Council, International Student Volunteering Program
Durham, England

Scholars into Schools
Sept 2019 – May 2020

  • Volunteered in 5 British primary schools to introduce Chinese culture and teach simple Chinese greetings, interacted with local students and led colouring exercises related to the Chinese Spring Festival.

Community College, Putuo District
Shanghai, China

English Teacher
Sept 2017 – Jun 2018

  • Volunteered to teach the elderly English, and used detailed and concrete examples to explain the usage of vocabulary, which satisfied students’ needs and enabled them to communicate with foreigners during cross-cultural activities.
  • Won the Award of Excellence for the 2017-2018 Social Experiment project at East China Normal University.

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