4.3 Web Folio


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, UBC ENGL 301 Instructor
From: Chohyeon Kim, UBC ENGL 301 Student
Date: April 16, 2023
Subject: Assignment 4:3  Web Folio

As per your request, I have provided a brief overview of my Web Folio, which comprises the following elements

  • HOME: A home page with links to the components of the Web Folio.
  • ABOUT ENGL 301: A brief description of the technical writing course offered by UBC
  • ABOUT ME (BIO): A brief description of myself.
  • BLOG: The blog page contains my reflections on each unit of English 301
  • BEST WORKS: Best Work page showcases some of my finest written pieces
  • LINKED IN PROFILE: LinkedIn profile on the corresponding page
  • RESUME: The Resume page features my updated professional history for easy reference
  • APPLICATION PACKAGE: The Application Package page contains my complete application package, including a cover letter, resume, and reference letters.

I appreciate your effort in reviewing my Web Folio. If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me at chohyeonkim94@gmail.com


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