Assignment 4.3 – Web Folio

To: Professor Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Byung-Sun Park, ENGL 301 Student

Date: April 17, 2023

Subject: Submission of Web Folio

As requested in Lesson 4.3, I have created my Web Folio and attached a link in this email. My Web Folio consists of following pages:

  • Home Page: This page welcomes visitors of my web folio and provides some navigational advice for reader.
  • About Me: I have provided a short biography about my cultural and educational background, work experience, and future career plan.
  • ENGL 301: I have provided a description of the technical writing course, ENGL 301, taught by Professor Erika at UBC.
  • Reflection Blog: I have included my reflections on three units of ENGL 301 as well as the process of creating this web folio. Additionally, this page also contains a final self-assessment reflection.
  • Online Resume: I have included an online version of my resume on this page so that potential employers can quickly review my academic and professional background.
  • Application Package: I have attached my full application package which is composed of a cover letter, a resume, and three letters requesting a reference.
  • Best Work: I have included a collection of my best written works completed during UBC’s technical writing course, ENGL 301.

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my Web Folio. Please email me at if you have any questions.

Link to my Web Folio:

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