Assignment 4.3 – Web Folio

To: Erika Paterson, ENGL301, Instructor <>

From: Cheka Duheme, ENGL301 Student <>

Date: April 19, 2023

Subject: Web Folio Submission

As requested in Unit 4, Lesson 3, I have completed creating my web folio and attached a link below. The web folio has the following:

  • Home page: Introduction to readers and navigational support to for my web folio.
  • Course Intro: Short introduction to the ENGL 301 course and what is expected.
  • Bio: A short overview of my interests and hobbies, as well as my educational background.
  • Blog: A page consisting of all reflection posts throughout the course.
  • Best Works: A page that includes links to my best works (with short summaries to facilitate easy reading).
  • Application Package: A page that includes my application package. This includes job posting, cover letter, resume, and reference requests.
  • Resume: An online version of my resume that is focused on the marketing and e-commerce field.

Thank-you for taking time and visiting my web folio. If there are any questions or need for additional information, please contact me at

Link for web folio.

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