4.3 Web Folio


To: Dr. Erika Paterson (ENGL 301 Instructor)

From: Riya Kathuria (ENGL 301 Student)

Date: April 27, 2023

Subject: Web Folio Assignment 4.3

As outlined in the requirements for assignment 4.3, I have completed the Web Folio. I have included a link to the Web Folio below. It includes all the necessary components:

  • A home page with links to all the components of the Web Folio
  • Visual components and hyperlinks that complement the writing
  • About Me : a brief description of my academic and professional experiences.
  • An online copy of my resume
  • A page that showcases my best technical writing pieces over the semester.
  • Blog – A collection of reflection blog posts on various topics of discussion, including the final two self-reflections
  • Application Package –  Includes a job posting, cover letter, resume, and three PDFs of reference request letters

Thank you for taking the time to review my Web Folio and provide feedback. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at riya.kathuria@ubc.ca

Enclosure: Riya Kathuria Web Folio

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