Details Please

Details please. Learning to compose memorandums that are organized, clear, concise, and provide the necessary details is a skill you will be practicing throughout the semester.  Please be sure to review the textbook chapter on memorandums and ensure you are aware of the different purposes of a ‘Memo” and an “E-mail.


Without details:

Please refer to the attached word document for the letter. Some highlights I have stated in my letter:

My interest in the position
My background
My personal traits
My past academic experiences
My past work experiences
My soft skills and ability to adapt

With details:

Please refer to the attached word document for a copy of my Application Letter, which is also posted on my Student Blog. Some highlights in the letter include my:

  • interest in the joining a professional writing team
  • background in various English course work and communicative challenges
  • personal traits: professional with excellent team-work skills
  • past academic experiences: working on a 2nd degree in Computer Science
  • past work experiences: various big companies
  • soft skills and ability to adapt

Some of you will want to return to your memos and include details as demonstrated above.

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