Peer Reviews: guidance

INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE THIS HAND-OUT: The questions below are meant to guide you through the process of peer reviewing for this assignment: Definitions.

You should use this form as a guide to compose your peer review. In future peer reviews you will be learning how to design your own peer review templates.

Name of the Reviewer:

Author’s Name:

Title of the Expanded Definition:

List three questions that came to mind in reading your teammate’s expanded definition draft.

Initial Impressions: answer these questions in short paragraph form

1. Did you fully understand the material on your first reading?

2. Has the writer given you enough information in the definition?

3. Do you have questions about the content of the definition?

 Comments about Purpose

1. Is the purpose of the definition clearly defined here? Make suggestions for changes if any are needed.

2. Do any parts of the document stray from the intended purpose? If so, indicate where (by paragraph # and sentence #) and suggest how the digression might be repaired.

Comments about Audience

1. If you are somewhat familiar with the term/item defined, indicate how accurate the information given in the definition appears to be.

2 Briefly describe any changes you would suggest.

3. If you are not familiar at all with the term/item defined, do you think that the definition takes into account your need for a significant amount of information to be educated about the topic? If so, indicate what parts of the definition (by paragraph/section) worked particularly well for you? If not, indicate problem areas (by paragraph/section) and suggest possible solutions.

4. Is there any use of jargon in the definition? If so, indicate briefly List words and phrases you don’t know at all List words and phrases you don’t know in this particular context

Comments about Organization

1. List the methods of expansion you see being used in the definition. Do they work appropriately? Suggest specific changes if needed.

2. Does each section of the definition – introduction, body, and conclusion – perform its intended task? If not, indicate what needs further attention.

3. Does the definition contain clear forecasting statements in its thesis and topic sentences?

4. Comments about Visuals: are the visuals useful and correctly labeled?

Overall Final Impressions:

1. What element of this document is most in need of improvement and why?

2. What is the most effective element of this document and why?

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