Peer Review of Yifan Jin’s Formal Report Proposal

To: Yifan Jin, BCS go”

From: Aaron Liang, BCS go”

Date: October 21, 2022

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal

Hello Yifan,

I have finished reviewing your proposal for providing peer tutoring program for first-year students. And here are my suggestions:

First Impression:

This is a very meaningful proposal and it puts forward very concise and clear solutions related to the proposal.


  • This proposal adopts the very standard ENGL301 standard proposal writing structure.
  • The writing logic is very clear and easy to understand, ranging from background introduction to specific solutions to the preparation of questions for investigating the feasibility of solutions.
  • Although  the introduction part has included a description of the current situation of the problem, I still suggest a separate paragraph for statement of problem.


  • Introduction

Try to separate the simple background introduction from the existing problems, which will be more organized. And considering using the full name  “University of British Columbia (UBC)” in the first paragraph.

  • Solutions

More details can be disclosed or more realistic considerations can be added, although I know you may want to do more research in the following stages.

And one more question I think it’s worth to consider, is that How different is TA from the tutoring program you proposed? Is it the differences of numbers? Or is the degree of control by the teaching department different?At present, UBC TAs are mostly maybe just one grade higher than other students who are taking this course, and they need to be strictly restricted by the course agreement. For example, they cannot help students to complete their homework excessively, which may be the difference between them and private tutoring.

  • Scope

The questions raise are great and very representative, just try to raise more questions which can help you build a more convincing reports.

  • Method

These survey methods are very classic and efficient.However, when you mentioned that you will issue questionnaires and conduct interviews, in what order will the application of these survey methods be organized?

  • Qualification

I think the author offer a very convincing personal experience as qualification.

Grammar and Typos:

  •   ( the first sentence of My qualifications paragraph :” I felt too struggle to catch up with the pace of coursework.  “) You may mean “felt struggled” or just simply “I struggled to catch up with the pace of coursework.  ” since struggle is a verb rather than adjective.

Concluding Comments:

Here are brief summary of my reviewing suggestions,hope this works for your improvement.

  • Add a paragraph for statement of problem.
  • Pay attention to the first use of some abbreviations
  • More questions can be raised in Scope to extend the persuasiveness of your final proposal report
  • The only question about this proposal is the difference between the tutor program and the current teaching assistant(TAs), and how they will help freshmen purposefully

The proposal under reviewFormal Report Research Proposal by Yinfan Jin

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