Assignment 1.3 : Three definition of “Kinesiology”

Term: Kinesiologist

Target audience and Situation: General Public

Parenthetical Definition

Human movement specialist.

Sentence Definition

A Kinesiologist studies human movement, physical and sport activity to understand their impact on health, performance, society, and quality of life.

Expanded Definition

A Kinesiologist who has extensive human movement knowledge provides unique and valuable services for body movement quality to improve your sport performance, strengthen your physical and mental health.

A Kinesiologist helps you to:

  • prevent and treat movement disorders caused by illness or injury through appropriate exercise prescription.
  • improve your physical performance in sport, work and daily activities.
  • oversee or assist with the implementation of your individual health care plan.
  • assess workplace demands and provide workplace ergonomics design services to help prevent and/or recovery from injury; and
  • provide support in rehabilitation and wellness management.

A Kinesiologist usually works in interdisciplinary teams, such as physicians, dietitians, physiotherapists, and other members to ensure you receive integrated best-practices care for safe and effective treatment. A Kinesiologist may also work independently in the community depending on your needs.

Works Cited:

UBC School of Kinesiology

British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists (BACK)


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