Peer Review: VLAN Definitions

To: Emilyn Sim

From: Tanya Mozafari

Peer Review Term: Three Definitions of VLAN

It was a pleasure to read the expanded definition of VLAN and the writer did an excellent job in presenting the information in a clear and concise manner. The use of well-defined sections, relevant examples and visuals make the content easily accessible and engaging to the reader.

First Impressions:

The expanded definition provides a comprehensive and clear understanding of what a VLAN is and how it works. The use of examples and analogies, such as the example of network segments for different departments, makes the concept easier to understand for a non-technical audience. The inclusion of information about the potential risks associated with using VLANs shows that the writer has a thorough understanding of the topic and is able to communicate it in a balanced and unbiased manner.


  • The methods of expansion used in the definition are: operating principles, examples, and visuals. These methods work appropriately as they provide an in-depth understanding of the term being defined.
  • The definition is well organized and adhered to the assignment rubric.
  • The definition contains clear forecasting statements in its headings. Each section begins with a clear topic question that introduces the specific information being presented.


  • The purpose of the definition remains consistent throughout the document, and all the information included is relevant to the purpose of explaining VLAN to a non-technical audience.
  • The use of citations from outside sources adds credibility to the information provided.
  • In terms of changes, I would suggest adding more examples to illustrate the use of VLANs in real-life situations, as it would make the concept easier to understand for those who are unfamiliar with the term. This can be added in the “How is it used?” section.
  • The following terms may be considered jargon and might benefit from further simplification:
    • “broadcast domains”
    • “enterprise networks”
    • “rogue switches”


  • The document is complete according to the assignment requirements as it includes the following criteria:
    • A thoughtful introduction
    • Three forms of definition
    • Four types of expansion
    • A visual
    • A works cited list


  • The visual is useful in helping the reader to understand the concept of a VLAN and is correctly labeled with a caption that describes the diagram.


  • There were no grammatical errors or typos found. Sentence structures were concise and easy to follow.

Concluding Comments:

  • The document successfully accomplishes the goal of the assignment. The writing effectively helps the reader understand the concept of VLAN in the specified reading situation. The most effective element of this document is the “How is it used?” section, which provides valuable information about the real-world applications of VLANs.
  • The use of a visual also greatly contributes to the effectiveness of the document, helping to break up the text and making it easier for the reader to understand the concepts being presented.
  • Recommendations for further enhancing the document are:
    • Adding one or two more practical examples.
    • Replacing instances of technical jargon (“broadcast domains”, “enterprise networks”, and “rogue switches”) with more understandable languages.

Overall great work; it was a pleasure to read! Please reach out to me if there are any questions or concerns.

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