Assignment 1:3 Peer Review of Authoritative Parents Definition

To: Nina Nakanishi, Author

From: Liam Plosker

Peer Review Term: Authoritative Parents

Definition Under Review:


First Impressions:


This is a well-structured document. It is information-rich while remaining easy to read. The audience and situation is clearly defined, and the definitions of the term are concise and unambiguous. Constructively, however, the diagrams provided were initially a bit confusing, due to the multiple arrows coming or going from many of the bubbles.




  • The document is linear and easy to follow – it moves from point to point logically
  • Each definition is concise and relevant, making reading the document flow more easily
  • Visually, there aren’t too many words which leaves a lot of space on the page, helping it to feel more breathable




  • Minimal use of specialized terms only people in a certain profession, like psychology, would know
  • If terms are used, they are clearly defined for the layperson
  • Tone is clear and objective
  • Sentence definition is split into two sentences. Should be amalgamated into a single sentence.




  • All criteria for Assignment 1:3 are met in this document
  • The expanded definition could be split into short bullet points to make it easier to take away the key pieces of information, rather than being written in paragraphs
  • As said earlier, sentence definition should be a single sentence
  • Scenario is good and lays out a believable, real-life situation in which this term would need to be defined
  • The visual aid works well in the context provided



Concluding Thoughts:


Overall, this is a great effort. The writing is well-crafted and the language you choose is simple and unambiguous. There are a few changes, such as breaking up larger bodies of text, which could benefit the presentation of the document. Additionally, one or two more examples of what constitutes being an “authoritative parent” could be added, as this is a very broad term which applies to many different areas of being parent.

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