Assignment 2.1 – Memorandum for Michael’s Formal Proposal

To: Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Michael Ly

Date: February 22nd, 2023

Subject: Proposal for Enhancing Community Safe Medication Handling and Disposal Practices at a Shoppers Drug Mart, Burnaby, BC

As stated in Unit 2.1 for ENGL 301, I have completed and posted the formal proposal onto my writing team’s forum, Amy’s Team. I have also attached the formal proposal PDF document to this memorandum as directed when unable to upload in docx format. Please see below for the formal project proposal summary.

The attached formal proposal includes:

  • Introduction – Present issues with medication and needle waste handling and the feasibility for a community medical disposal awareness campaign
  • Statement of Problem – Improper handling of community medical waste and its impact on the safety and sustainability of the environment
  • Proposed Solution – Community medical disposal awareness campaign and expanded accessibility for medication disposal and sharps containers
  • Scope – Investigate current community handling and disposal methods of medication and needles
  • Methods – Survey regarding current handling and disposal methods of medication and needles
  • My Qualifications – Over five years of work experience in medication handling and disposal in the community pharmacy setting
  • Conclusion – Long Term implications of improper medication waste mishandling and importance of establishing safe medication handling procedures in the community

If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Enclosure: 301 Michael Ly Formal Proposal Medication Waste Handling

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