Formal Report Proposal (Revised)

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Chohyeon Kim, ENGL 301 Student

Date: February 23, 2023

Subject: Addressing Food Insecurity and Enhancing Food Donation Programs at UBC



This research proposal aims to investigate food insecurity among University of British Columbia (UBC) students and provide recommendations for enhancing the food donation program to better serve the needs of the student population.


Intended Audience:

The intended audience for this report is UBC AMS (Alma Mater Society)


Problem Statement:

Food insecurity is a growing issue among UBC students due to the rising cost of living and inflation in Vancouver. This issue affects students’ physical and mental health, academic performance, and overall well-being. Although there is a food donation program on campus, some students choose not to use it due to concerns about stigma and the perception of poverty.


Proposed Solution:

To address the issue of food insecurity at UBC, the following strategies can be implemented to enhance the existing food donation program:


Raising awareness of the food donation program and increasing its efficiency to better support students in need.


Addressing concerns of privacy and stigma surrounding food donations by establishing an anonymous food donation system to ensure that students can access support without fear of judgment.



This formal report will focus on the following areas of inquiry:


Identifying the root causes of food insecurity among UBC students, including the prevalence and impact of this issue on students.


Examining the current state of the food donation program at UBC, including its level of awareness, efficiency, and challenges faced by students in accessing the program.


Developing recommendations for enhancing the food donation program to better serve the needs of UBC students, including addressing the social stigma associated with using such programs.



To gather data on food insecurity among UBC students and potential solutions, the following methods will be used:


Survey: Conduct a survey with UBC students to gather data on their experiences with food insecurity and opinions on potential solutions, including improving the food donation program.


Interviews with Students: Interview a diverse group of UBC students who have experienced food insecurity or used the food donation program. These interviews will provide insights into the students’ perspectives on the program’s effectiveness, potential improvements, and ways to overcome the stigma associated with using such programs.


Secondary Sources: Review publications related to food security, food donation programs, and their impact on university students.



As a current student at UBC who has experienced food insecurity, I am highly motivated to investigate and propose solutions to this issue.



This formal report proposes strategies to enhance the food donation program at UBC, thereby alleviating food insecurity and improving the well-being of UBC students. By raising awareness, increasing efficiency, and addressing the social stigma associated with food donations, the enhanced food donation program will provide greater support to students in need. The implementation of these strategies would contribute to a more inclusive and supportive campus community.


Work Cited:


AMS Food Bank. GoFundMe, 2021,


“Campus Garden.” University of British Columbia Sustainability. 2021,


“UBC Food System Project.” University of British Columbia Sustainability. 2021,

2 comments on “Formal Report Proposal (Revised)
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Elly,

    Thank you for posting this proposal, I think this is an excellent idea for a Formal Report, important and timely. One caution for you, a specific reader is important for presenting a Formal Report. I think focusing on student organizations for involvement and support is the best path. But, I could be wrong. As you proceed with your outline and progress report, you will better able discover which one of the above groups is the most appropriate for your audience.

    Thanks, I look forward to learning more.

    • EllyKim says:

      I appreciate your thorough feedback. I share your perspective and intend to modify my intended audience to focus on student organizations in my future paper.

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