Formal Report Proposal for Adding More Time in Between Classes

To: Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Carman Chu

Date: Feb 24, 2023

Subject: Adding More Time in Between Classes to Allow Students to Get to Class Without Being Late



The University of British Columbia Vancouver campus has over 400 hectares of land, including academic buildings, student housing, and recreational facilities. UBC has over 70000 students enrolled at the school, leaving limited space for students to enrol in their desired courses. Anxious students across campus must consider time and required courses when planning their schedule, not for just one term, but an entire semester at a time. The distance between buildings across campus is a significant condition students must consider when picking what classes to take.

Statement of Problem

The 10-minute timeframe between classes leaves little to no room for students to get to their classes without being late. This is enhanced when there are exams for students to get to where being late is not an option, or they will need more time to do their exams. Some professors also work overtime at the end of class, preventing students from leaving on time in the already limited period. The rush from class to class causes a heightened amount of unnecessary anxiety. Students want to get to class on time and retain all material that may be learned at the beginning of the lesson. Professors must start the class right when it starts, which creates the problem of needing more time between classes to get to the class without being rushed. There is also a concern for those who are physically impaired (ex., sprained ankle) and unable to quickly get to class.

Proposed Solution

One possible solution that could help students would be adding more time between classes. If students had no choice but to schedule their required courses back to back, there should be enough time for them to walk across campus without the fear of being late. It could be 5-10 minutes extra for those needing it. The professors could also start class later to cater to those running late. Allowing spare time can ease students who may already be stressed from the pressures of school.


To assess the probability of attaining extra time between classes, I plan to research these six areas of inquiry:

  1. What is the distance between the two furthest points on campus?
  2. How long does the average student take to attend each class, assuming they’re in different buildings?
  3. What is the average speed that a student walks (without time constraints)?
  4. Do weather conditions contribute to the time it takes?
  5. What is the average distance between buildings?
  6. How often are students late because of the trek between classes?


My primary data sources will be surveying students at UBC and distributing questionnaires. The questionnaires and surveys will include questions about the distance between classes and their opinions on the 10-minute timeframe between each course. I will also observe students at UBC and document the distance and speed of students and their classes.

My Qualifications

As a student enrolled in post-secondary for almost 5 years now, I am familiar with the anxiety students feel when having to rush to each class to avoid being late. I am a victim of this ongoing problem that many other students are burdened with. Given the circumstance, I have firsthand experience with this obstacle which gives me a complete understanding of engaging in this study.


Most students have no choice but to schedule their classes right after one another because it is required. Many students feel this way about the short break given in between classes. Something must be done to ease the stress that is put on students. By researching the inquiries, I plan to study and analyze the current situation of short breaks in between courses. With your approval, I plan to start the research process soon.

Works Cited

“Our Campus.” UBC Facilities: Building Operations,,metres%20(8%2C176%2C000%20square%20feet)%20of.


One comment on “Formal Report Proposal for Adding More Time in Between Classes
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Carmen,

    Thank you for posting this proposal for a Formal Report. While you are correct in indicating the distances and time allotted between classes can be a serious issue for some students, changing the university calendar is not a solution that is feasible. I am sorry to disappoint you, but you will need to either formulate a feasible solution to the problem, or choose a different investigation. Please note, the instructions indicate that the name of the proposed reader(s) needs to be included within the proposal. Please alert me with an email when you have posted a new proposal. Thank you.

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