2.1 Formal Proposal for Improving the Knowledge of Different Post Secondary Pathways for High School Students

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Junelie Guevarra, ENGL 301 Student

Date: February 23, 2023

Subject: Proposal for Improving the Knowledge of Different Post Secondary Pathways for High School Students



High school students aspire to study at the top universities in Canada such as University of British Columbia (UBC), Simon Fraser University (SFU), McGill University and University of Toronto. The decision to apply to various universities and colleges is overwhelming. Post secondary resources provided by high schools do not exhibit accurate and unbiased information for graduating high school students. If students are not given accurate information, they are likely making uninformed choices which impact their post secondary experience. 

Intended Audience

High school counselors overseeing the success of their students.

Statement of Problem

There is a pressure to perform, compete and choose the top universities without realizing that colleges can be a realistic and affordable pathway. High school students are blindsided by the prestigious reputation of universities. Secondly, resources about post secondary options are more favourable towards universities than colleges.

Proposed Solutions

One solution to this problem is to provide an event for high school students to listen to post secondary students from different universities and colleges. In this event, post secondary students can talk about their major and how they achieved their post secondary goals. High school students can ask questions and learn about student life from each college and university. Tours on college and university campuses to learn about student life before committing to a university or college. 


To evaluate how to improve quality and accessibility of resources regarding colleges and universities for high school students, I plan to pursue six areas of inquiry:

  1. What opinions from teachers, parents, friends and media sway the decisions of graduating high school students to apply for universities and colleges?
  2. What post secondary resources are given to high school students as they approach graduation?
  3. What are some areas of concern when applying to a university or college?
  4. How knowledgeable are students about financial assistance?
  5. Do counselors set a realistic expectation regarding student life at post secondary?
  6. How has high school counselors contributed to further stigmatize colleges?


The primary source will be obtained through online surveys to assess the types and quality of post secondary resources. Secondary sources will include news articles related to the differing opinions between colleges and universities.

My Qualifications

As a transfer student myself, I was aware of the stigma surrounding choosing a college over a university. By working with high school students for three years and having conversations related to post secondary institutions provides a range of concerns of graduating high school students. As the Young Adult Settlement Counsellor, it is required to be knowledgeable of the admission requirements of major universities and colleges within Vancouver.  


There is a disparity between the reputations of colleges and universities reflecting how eager students will apply. Reputation is not the only factor that needs to be considered when applying to a post secondary institution. By evaluating the six areas of inquiry stated above, the report analyzes the gaps within resources and provide solutions to bring reliable resources and prepare high school students for post secondary. If the proposal is accepted, I will begin my research promptly.

One comment on “2.1 Formal Proposal for Improving the Knowledge of Different Post Secondary Pathways for High School Students
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Junelie,

    Thank you for posting your proposal for a formal report. Please read the instructions more carefully re: “Because your proposal is for your instructor you will need to include background information and details about your reader for the Formal Report. Who is your reader(s)? Remember the definition assignment – your reader is your first consideration: always!

    There are also difficulties with the scope of this proposal:

    “What biases of major universities and colleges are displayed towards high school students?” This questions ‘assumes’ and “implies” that the universities are bias. Be careful to avoid leading questions like this.

    The real question is: Are major universities bias toward high school students? <-- but does that make sense? Bias toward potential students in what ways? Another leading question: "How has the stigma surrounding colleges further placate success for students?" Again, this question implies and assumes there is stigma toward collages. The real question is : Do high school counselors stigmatize collages? Please consider these concerns and edit this proposal to include a reader(s) who has the authority to act on the reports final recommendations. Please alert me with an email when completed, thank you.

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