2.1 Email Memo for Formal Proposal


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Parsa Seyed Zehtab, ENGL 301 Student 

Date: February 24, 2023

Subject: Proposal for Determining the Feasibility of Introducing Daily Specials to Increase Customer Volume During Dry Season. 

As outlined in Unit 2.1 for ENGL 301, I have completed the formal report proposal and posted it to my writing team’s forum (Brian’s Team). I have also attached a PDF copy of the proposal below for you to review at your convenience. Please see below for a summary of the contents in the proposal:

  • Introduction: Outlines the customer volume downturn experienced at Cactus Club Cafe during the months of January to April. 
  • Statement of Problem: Outlines the negative impacts on company profits and employee compensation caused by the downturn in customer volume. 
  • Proposed Solution: Introducing daily special at Cactus Club Cafe to increase customer volume. 
  • Scope: Highlights the seven areas of inquiry that will be pursed in this report.
  • My Qualifications: Highlights my three years of experience working at Cactus Club Cafe.
  • Conclusion: Summarizes all the previously mentioned information, and re-affirms the importance of finding a way to increase customer volume during the months of January to April. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at your convenience at parsaz00@students.ubc.ca

Enclosure: 2.1 Formal Proposal



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