2.1: (REVISED) Memo for Formal Report Proposal


To:               Erika Paterson, English 301 Professor

From:           Jennifer Dunbar, English 301 Student

Date:            February 24, 2023

Subject:       Summary of Formal Report Proposal for the Implementation of Electric Bicycle and Scooter Rules on the Arbutus Greenway

As requested in Unit 2.1 of the assignment schedule, please find my posted formal report proposal for the Implementation of Electric Bicycle and Scooter Rules on the Arbutus Greenway on my team forum, Liam’s Team. The word document is also attached below.

My research proposal contains the following:

  • Audience Description – The City of Vancouver, specifically the council responsible for the development of the Arbutus Greenway,
  • Introduction of Topic – The Arbutus Greenway, the increase in electric bicycles and scooters and pedestrian safety concerns.
  • Statement of Problem – The Arbutus Greenway does not have speed limits, signage or safety barriers for electric bicycle and scooter use, increasing the likelihood of pedestrian injury.
  • Proposed Solutions – Signage, safe speed limits and safety barriers.
  • Scope of Questions – Current rules and regulations on greenway, scope of future phases, public opinion on safety, current usage of greenway and electrical devices, cost to implement safety measures and success stories in other cities.
  • Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources – Online correspondence, surveys, observation and research.
  • My Qualifications – Concerned resident and frequent user.
  • Conclusion – Summarizes the popularity of the Arbutus Greenway while highlighting the need for increased safety measures.

301_Jenn Dunbar_Formal Proposal


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