Email Memorandum: Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor, <>

From: Salma Ismail, ENGL 301 Student, <>

Date: February 24, 2023

Subject: Memo- Formal Report Proposal for Expanding Culturally Informed Food Security Approach for the South Vancouver Food Hub


As per the 2.1 Assignment, I have completed the formal report proposal and have posted it on my Team forum, Team SJGG. I have also attached a copy to this email. 

The proposal includes the following:

Introduction: Provides background information about the South Vancouver Food Hub and its importance in addressing food insecurity in South Vancouver.  

Statement of Problem: Identifies the systemic barriers community members face in accessing the Food Hub resources. 

Proposed Solution: Develop and expand partnerships to address the growing need of the community while not sacrificing the Food Hub’s dignified approach to food security by not requiring proof of need. 

Scope: Defines the scope of addressing the need of community members 

Method: Interview and gather information directly from Staff members and community members and analyze research on the demographic of South Vancouver 

Qualifications: My role as a current staff member and frontline work with the demographic in need. 

Conclusion: The feasibility and consequence of addressing this issue in the South Vancouver Community. 


Please let me know of any changes to clarify the proposal and its components. 


Kind regards, 

Salma Ismail 

ENGL 301 Student. 

301 Salma Ismail Formal Report Proposal

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