Formal Research Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Corbyn Kwan, ENGL 301 Student <>

Date: February 26, 2023

Subject: Strategies to make meetings in a tech company I worked at more effective



In a tech company I worked at, these are the types of meetings that frequently occur:

  1. 1-on-1s – A meeting between a manager and software engineer to reflect on their performance and how to improve.
  2. Standup – A daily meeting where each person in the team says what they did yesterday.
  3. Design meetings – A meeting to design from a high-level technical view to solve a problem.

These meetings typically have a lot of inefficiencies that cause meetings to run overtime and thus waste all the time of the meeting attendees.

The purpose of this research proposal is to explore the inefficiencies of these 3 common meeting types that occur in a tech company and to identify potential solutions that can improve the overall effectiveness of these meetings. This research will be valuable to both employers and managers, as it will provide insights into how to better structure and conduct these meetings to maximize their value and minimize time wastage which can be allocated to solve the team’s problems.

Audience Description

My manager at a tech company I worked at.

Statement of Problem

1-on-1 meetings are typically unorganized. Employees will blank out and not know what to say, and not knowing what to say ends up being a talk about personal related topics.

Standup meetings involve everyone saying what they did the day before. If someone says a problem during the meeting, a long discussion would be between 2 members of the team that everyone else in the standup didn’t have to listen to which wastes a lot of time.

Design meetings – These meetings are very disorganized, and everyone just says what’s on their mind with no distinct goals in mind. This disorganization typically ends up with meetings taking up to 5 hours which could be cut much shorter.

Proposed Solution

1-on-1 meetings could have a pre-defined set of topics such as:

  1. Whether or not you are in line with your career goals (i.e. promotion)
  2. Reflections of the week
  3. Problems you ran into that week and how you can improve next time
  4. Positives during the week

This organized structure would allow the employee to learn more effectively as well as save time.

Standup meetings should have the manager set a time limit for how long a team member can talk so that other people in the team don’t have their time wasted.

Design meetings should have a meeting agenda so a set of topics can be discussed 1 by 1 instead of all over the place. The manager should have the authority to ask attendees to speak down if they dominate the meeting conversation.


To explore strategies to make meetings more efficient, I plan to pursue these areas of inquiry:

  • What makes 1-on-1s, standups, and design meetings so inefficient?
  • What are the strategies to make these meetings efficient?
  • Why do these strategies make these meetings efficient?
  • How much time do these strategies save?


My primary data source will come from a survey of employees of the company to collect their opinions on what makes these meetings inefficient.

Secondary sources will be publications that discuss strategies to make these types of meetings more effective and why they make them more effective.

My Qualifications

I used to work for the manager this report is addressed. I have been in these meetings, and have first-hand experience with how ineffective they were.


Inefficient meetings are rampant in the tech company I used to work for. By having strategies in place for these meetings to be more efficient, participants in these meetings would save time and resources that could be allocated elsewhere.

5 comments on “Formal Research Proposal
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Corbyn,

    Thank you for posting this proposal. Please review the instructions re: “The final report will be addressed and written for a specific reader or readers who have the authority to act on your recommendations.”

    This does not include the general public. You will need to select a different area to investigate and please be sure address a specific audience. You can see some of the ideas of other students. Sorry to disappoint you, but this is a major term assignment so You will want to get started on the right path.

    Please alert me with an email when you posted a new proposal.

    Thank you.

    • Corbyn Kwan says:

      Hello Erika,

      Thank you for the feedback, and I really appreciate it as I really want to get started on the right track.

      I was wondering if I changed the intended audience to UBC students instead, and the topic to inefficient group meetings in a UBC class group setting. Since this would be for a specific audience, do you think this will be approved as a proposal?



  2. erikapaterson says:

    March 2, 2023
    Hello Corbyn,
    Thank you for your message. Your proposal as it is, with an audience of UBC students, is a proposal to make a hand-out for students for conducting meetings – not a Formal Report. I want you to learn how to address a Formal Report with recommendations to make changes to an authoritative body – not your peers. O.K. I think you need to begin again, you have time – please take a look at the proposals by your peers and see if you can’t get inspired with a new problem. My email is

    • Corbyn Kwan says:

      Dear Erika,

      Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated.

      I wanted to change the intended reader to be technical managers in software companies where meetings are different than that of generic companies.

      If that doesn’t work. What would you think about new research proposal of solutions of food insecuity at UBC where the audience are students, faculty, and the UBC board of governors?

      Sincerely, Corbyn

  3. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Corbyn,

    If you select a specific software company to address – this will work. Choose one of the three companies you have worked with and address the report to the person at that company who has the authority to act on the final recommendations.

    Note on your new idea: Corbyn, students can not be your reader(s) because the report needs to be addressed to an authority who can act on the final recommendations.


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