Example of Proposal Memo


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor
From: XXX XXX, ENGL301 Student
Date: June 22, 2022

Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal for Integrating Ultrasonic scaling at Pediatric Dental Practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

According to the requirements of the lesson 2.1 assignment, please see my posted formal report proposal for Integrating Ultrasonic scaling at Pediatric Dental Practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba on my team forum Team Kristy. The word doc is attached below.

My research proposal contains the following:

  • Audience Description– Dentist Partners, Office Manager and Business Manager of ABC Pediatric dental practice.
    • Introduction of Topic – Integrating Ultrasonic scaling at Pediatric Dental Practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
     Statement of Problem – Adverse effects of using hand scaling only for cleaning teeth.
    • Proposed Solutions – resolve time management constraints, improve patient comfort for enhanced dental hygiene therapy, efficient dental hygiene recare system, and decrease musculoskeletal injuries for dental hygienists.
    • Scope of Questions – Benefits, constraints, training, cost etc…
    • Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources – Survey of practicing dental hygienists, interviews of staff dentists, dental hygienists, patients, and literature review on the efficiency of ultrasonic.
    • My Qualifications – Practicing dental hygienist with years of dental experience, completion of various continuing education courses emphasizing different techniques of scaling, and ability to provide a comprehensive literature review.
    • Conclusion – Summarizes the positive benefits of Integrating Ultrasonic scaling at Pediatric Dental Practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba.




To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor
From: XXX XXX, ENGL301 Student
Date: February 15, 2022
Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal for Expediting Immigration Process for Inland Applications

According to the requirements of the lesson 2.1 assignment, I have posted my formal report proposal for expediting immigration processes for inland applications on my team forum Team Li. The word doc is also attached below.

My research proposal contains the following:

• Audience Description – Sean Simon Andrew Fraser, the Minister of Immigration
• Introduction of Topic – Expediting FSW-inland applications
 Statement of Problem – Negative impact of the delays
• Proposed Solutions – Classify FSW applications, recruit more staff and upgrade the processing system
• Scope of Questions – Staff’s workflow, workload, upgrade system, applicant’s needs, etc.
• Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources – Surveys, observation, interviews, and IRCC official websites
• My Qualifications – Deep understanding and enthusiasm for the problem; strong online searching ability
• Conclusion – Summarizes the positive benefits of expediting FSW-inland applications

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the proposal.

Enclosure:XXX XXX

***** And, while I have your attention I want to comment on what is a common fear when Peer Reviewing, the fear of negatively criticising or discouraging your peer, one student expressed this nicely:

There is a balance between not discouraging the person you are reviewing and also providing blunt, direct suggestions. This created some difficult situations for me as the reviewer.

Many people express this fear in Unit One Reflection Blogs. If we were in a classroom together, this would be a topic of a good conversation, because this fear points to one good reason to learn how to Peer Review in the professional world.  The ‘how to’ is a simple writing technique: the “TRICK’ is to –“Take out the people” by taking out ALL the pronouns (I/ YOU/ Me/ your/ mine). Then, you are not criticizing the author, nor are you talking about your opinion – you are creating a critical review of the document. I hope this helpful.

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