Peer Review – Formal Report Proposal

To: Emilyn Sim

From: Helen Zhou

Date: February 28th, 2023

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal – Creation of a UBC hackathon that considers the experience level of applicants.


Thank you for outlining your formal report proposal according to lesson 2:1; this was an informative and engaging read.  Please see the review of the document below with suggestions for improvements.

First Impressions:

The formal report proposal did well in identifying a problem space and helping the reader understand the significance. The assignment is introduced along with an audience description (UBC Computer Science department and other hackathon organizers), statement of the problem (barriers for entering hackathons). The proposed solution and scope are well-thought-out and cover fundamental areas for researching and understanding the target audience. The methods of a survey and literature review are stated concisely, but could be further developed with more details on the primary source. Overall, the document was written well and included appropriate explanations for clear understanding in the first read.


  • The document is well-organized with clear subheadings and concise explanations for each section.
  • Since this formal proposal is being composed for the course professor, it may be helpful to include a To and From address as well as a date and subject to introduce the proposal.


  • Overall, the expression of the document is clear, concise, and easy to understand.
  • The proposal is written with a professional tone that is maintained throughout.



  • The introduction clearly describes the background of the problem and provides readers with more context about Hackathons
  • Causes of the problem and barriers for access to Hackathons are also explained well.

Audience Description

The audience description is outlined clearly and fits well with the intended proposal.

Statement of Problem

  • The statement of the problem is well-defined and supported with clear explanations.
  • Great explanation on the effects of teams that have similar educational backgrounds and also on the lack of diversity of ideas and solutions.

Proposed Solution

  • The proposed solution is clearly described with the potential opportunity to create a hackathon that pairs participants with experienced mentors.
  • The benefits of the proposed solution are also outlined in a positive manner.


  • The areas of inquiry outlined specifically relate back to the problem and are strong elements to understanding the targeted audience.
  • Consider adding an extra area that assesses current demand for hackathons as it may be helpful in further gathering insight on interest and needs.


  • The outlined methods of a survey and literature review are effective in gaining insight on the problem.
  • More detail on how the survey will be conducted (online or on paper) will provide greater context to this section.


The qualifications and experience described fit appropriately with the suggested proposal topic.


The conclusion effectively summarizes the proposal and encourages the reader to support research for solutions.

 Concluding Comments:

 Your proposal was intriguing to read and nicely outlined for review, thank you. With the following suggestions, this will be an excellent proposal for conducting further research:

  • Including a To and From address as well as date and subject at the top of the document will help identify who it is composed for.
  • Expanding on the scope by adding an extra area of inquiry to assess demand will further improve the overall understanding of the target audience.
  • Consider adding specifications on how the survey will be conducted to make the methods section stronger.

Overall, impressive work with the formal report proposal. Thank you and please feel free to ask any questions.

Link to Emilyn’s Formal Report Proposal: 

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