2:1 Peer Review on Miranda’s Formal Report Proposal – Daniel Kim

To: Miranda Tang

From Daniel Kim

Date: February 28th, 2023

Subject: Peer Review on Formal Proposal

First Impression:

The proposal you created satisfies the requirements for this assignment. You do a great job providing the necessary background information to give the reader a more well-rounded idea of the proposal. Furthermore, it complements the other components and enhances the reader’s ability to understand the motivation of your proposal; great job. The tone, writing style, and vocabulary are professional and stick to the main points, which helps the reader keep track of their reading. At a glance, I am very impressed with your proposal.


  • You provided a concise and professional summary of the background information needed to better understand the proposal.
  • The citations provided adds legitimacy to what you are describing is excellent. 
  • There are no apparent grammatical errors in your background information.

Intended Audience:

  • The audience you are targeting is appropriate for this proposal.

Statement of Purpose:

  • You state the problem effectively with your precise wording and concise use of vocabulary.
  • I particularly like the description of the specific factors, such as the limited number of textbook exercises and the lack of visual components in audio recordings that inhibit Chinese language learning. 
  • One aspect of the Statement of Purpose I would consider changing is eliminating the last sentence: “Success in listening is solely measured by correct responses to questions or tasks, which thus turns listening into a repeated encounter with failure.” I think this can be added to the background information.

Propose Solutions: 

  • Combining strategic approaches with extensive listening exercises is a great idea; I agree that this approach can help students learn more effectively.
  • I particularly like how you provided evidence of this possible solution; this adds credibility. 
  • One part I would consider editing is the formatting. I suggest putting bullet points in the middle or the end of the section so the reader can get a reminder or reference the possible solutions while reading through the proposal.


  • You provide a well-worded, thoughtful, and logical way of investigating your five areas of inquiry.
  • You tackle the necessary inquiries that will help validate your statement of purpose and proposed solution.


  • The methods you provided sound reasonable, available, and accurate for this proposal.
  • One suggestion I have is perhaps conducting informal interviews with the course instructors, Chinese Language specific Asian Studies departments, and course coordinators to gain a more holistic lens of the general nature of the issue. 
  • I like your addition of utilizing literature as your secondary source. This will provide great insight into studies that may have been conducted before.


  • Your background makes you the perfect match to execute this proposal.
  • I believe that your previous education in China will give you an advantage as you have first-hand experience of what it’s like to gain a practical and effective education in Chinese and compare it to here. 
  • Furthermore, your previous educational background in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages will undoubtedly add value with your deep understanding of this topic.

Concluding Comments:

Overall, your proposal is well-written, to the point, organized, and well-motivated. There are no glaring grammatical errors, and all citations are incorporated correctly. I made a few suggestions that you can consider integrating into your edited proposal. 

This proposal will help not only students learning Chinese Languages but also all types of languages because the language learning method for non-native speakers can continuously improve. With your proposal and potential solutions, this will gain a lot of traction!

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