Peer Review of Gabriella Generoso’s Formal Report Proposal

Name of the Reviewer: Junelie Guevarra

Author’s Name: Gabriella Generoso

Peer Review / Formal Report: Proposal for Improving Voter Turnout Among FIrst-Year University Students

First Impressions

Thank you for your submission of assignment 2.1. The proposal is concise and is easily understood for individuals who are not familiar with political jargon. 


  • Subheadings are clear
  • All required information is arranged properly


  • Provided background on current level of engagement of first year students towards provincial voting.
  • For the “Intended Audience”, including university administration is crucial because school events such as inviting political members from each party and mass emails to students may require permission from the administration. 


The formal proposal is complete according to the assignment requirements; it includes:

  • Introduction
  • Intended Audience
  • Statement of Problem 
  • Proposed Solutions
  • Scope of Research 
  • Methods
  • Qualifications
  • Conclusion

Grammar and Typos:

  • There are no grammar or typos within the proposal.

Concluding Comments:

Your proposal is well written and instructive. The solutions to engage post secondary students are feasible and can be executed. Please edit your proposal to include:

  • University administration as part of the intended audience.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. I look forward to reading your final report.

Link to Formal Report Proposal under review:

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