Assignment 2.2 Memo for LinkedIn Best Practices

To: ENGL301 Sangita’s Team

From: Sangita Dutta, ENGL301 Student

Date: March 6th, 2023

Subject: summary of research concerning LinkedIn best practices


The list below is a summary of the best practices for using Linked In as a professional networking site based on my research.

List of Best Practices:

  • Complete profile: a professional and complete LinkedIn profile with a profile picture, banner photo, and work experience will help others learn a little bit about you and what you can offer to recruiters and/or future employers.
  • Content should be audience-specific: content posted on LinkedIn should be relevant and meaningful to people in the industry you are interested in engaging with.
  • Utilize summary section: add a short summary in your profile to share your story and strengths that can make you stand out from others with similar experiences.
  • Send connection requests: connect with people in the industry you are interested in. Make yourself standout by sending a personalized note with the connection request.
  • Engage with others: engage with other industry professionals on their posts to use it as an opportunity to share your personal expertise or meet like-minded individuals.
  • LinkedIn Events: find LinkedIn events in My Network section of LinkedIn. These events are usually suggested to you by LinkedIn based on your industry and current connections. As such, you will be able to network with other attendees and/or event host who are in the same industry as you.
  • LinkedIn Groups: joining LinkedIn groups can help you connect and network with other industry professionals in a more niche setting.
  • Add URL of external blogs and sites to your LinkedIn profile: this can help encourage more traffic to your sites and also  show others what else you have to offer outside of the professional network.
  • Don’t be afraid to message: reach out to others in your professional circle on tips and insight on how you can grow further in your industry.
  • Be Professional: make sure to observe proper etiquette and remain professional at all times.


LinkedIn is a one of the largest professional networking platform. Therefore, it is important to understand how to effectively use it in a way that can help you build meaningful connections with other industry professionals, and increase awareness of your personal brand.

Works Cited

“LinkedIn Best Practices for Networking Success.”, 2023, Accessed 7 Mar. 2023.

“MindTools | Home.”, 2023, Accessed 7 Mar. 2023.

Smulders, Stefan. “How to Network on LinkedIn – 10 Do’s and Don’ts for You to Consider – Expandi.” Expandi, 2 Feb. 2022, Accessed 6 Mar. 2023.

Syed Balkhi. “How to Network on LinkedIn like a Pro.”,, 23 Aug. 2018, Accessed 7 Mar. 2023.

“What to Say When You’re Reaching out to Someone on LinkedIn.” Harvard Business Review, 2 Nov. 2020, Accessed 7 Mar. 2023.

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