2.3 – Jade’s Formal Report Outline About AI Ethics Awareness

Report Outline of Assimilating AI Ethics Awareness into Computer Science Course Projects

I. Introduction

  • Background information on current development and future possibilities of AI applications
  • Introduce the issues of AI fair use in various industries
  • Briefly discuss the methods of study
  • Limitations of the study
  • Scope of the inquiries
  • Briefly state the conclusions of the study

II. Literature Review

  • Investigate secondary sources for existing views on AI ethics
    • Supportive views and their reasons
    • Opposing views and their reasons
    • Ambivalent views
    • AI copyright laws and outstanding legal cases
  • Current methods of educating people about AI fair use (inquiry 1)
  • Discuss findings and their implications
    • Discuss the necessity of motivating students to think about AI in multiple perspectives

III. Methodology

  • Describe the research design, including the online surveys and questionnaire
    • Design of the online survey
    • Design of the questionnaire addressed to Prof. Steve Wolfman
  • Explain the data analysis techniques used
    • Statistical analysis
    • Logical deduction and generalization

IV. Collected Data

  • Students’ exposure to recent outstanding legal cases about AI copyright (inquiry 1)
    • Findings based on data
    • Interpretation of findings
  • Students’ interests in learning AI ethics in general (inquiry 2)
    • Findings based on data
    • Interpretation of findings
  • Students’ views on nation-wide management schema of AI applications (inquiry 3)
    • Findings based on data
    • Interpretation of findings
  • Students’ willingness to do appointed projects instead of free-style projects (inquiry 4)
    • Findings based on data
    • Interpretation of findings
  • Students’ interests in peer-guided AI ethics awareness projects as an alternative (inquiry 5)
    • Findings based on data
    • Interpretation of findings
  • Instructor’s opinions on the relation between AI ethics awareness and computer science courses (inquiry 6)
    • Findings based on answers received
    • Interpretation of findings

V. Conclusion

  • Discuss the implications of the findings in the context of the proposed solution
    • Summary of the findings from the literature review, the online surveys, and the questionnaire
    • Analysis of the results in relation to the six inquiry directions
    • Evaluation of the feasibility of integrating AI ethics awareness elements into computer science courses
  • Provide recommendations for feasible solutions or further research (depending on the findings)

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