Revised Email Memorandum for Revised Formal Report Proposal – Terry Chou

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor
From: Terry Chou, ENGL301 Student
Date: March 10, 2022

Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal for Addressing the Issue of Academic Misconduct in CPSC 110

According to the requirements of the lesson 2.1 assignment, please see my posted formal report proposal for addressing the issue of academic misconduct in CPSC 110 on my team forum Team Segfault. The word doc is also attached below.

My research proposal contains the following:

  • Audience Description – UBC Computer Science (CPSC) 110 Teaching Team led by Professor Gregor Kiczales.
  • Introduction of Topic – CPSC 110 is a crucial introductory computer science course at UBC, but academic misconduct needs to be addressed.
  • Statement of Problem – Academic misconduct is increasing in CPSC 110 and it undermines learning integrity.
  • Proposed Solutions – Providing targeted training, including workshops or informational videos, for the CPSC 110 teaching team on how to detect and prevent academic misconduct can foster a culture of academic integrity and reduce misconduct in the course.
  • Scope of Questions – Measures, consequences, collaboration practices, effectiveness, etc.
  • Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources – Online surveys and interviews with fellow CPSC 110 teaching assistants.
  • My Qualifications – Having served as CPSC 110 TA four times, with an in-depth understanding of the challenges and complexities involved in promoting academic integrity, as well as potential areas for improvement.
  • Conclusion – Summarizes the positive benefits of reducing academic misconduct in CPSC 110 at UBC to improve students’ learning experience.

Please let me know if you require any additional information. I appreciate your time and look forward to your feedback.

Terry Chou Formal Report Proposal

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