Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline (Revised)

Subject: Addressing Food Insecurity and Promoting Sustainable, Affordable Food Practices at UBC


A. Background and context on food insecurity and sustainable, affordable food practices at UBC

B. Purpose of the report

C. Brief description of data sources

D. Scope of the report


A. Overview of food insecurity and sustainable, affordable food practices at UBC

  1. Definition of food insecurity
  2. Importance of sustainable, affordable food practices

B. Survey and Interview current UBC students

  1. Survey and Interviews with UBC students
  2. Analysis of the survey results and Summary of the Interviews

C. Evaluation of current programs and resources and identification of barriers and promoting sustainable food practices

  1. Overview of current programs and resources and evaluation of the effectiveness and accessibility of these programs at UBC
  2.  Identification of barriers to the program

D. Recommendations for addressing food insecurity and promoting sustainable food practices at UBC

  1. Proposed solutions for addressing food insecurity at UBC


  1. Summary and overall interpretation of findings
  2. Recommendations for future action

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