Formal Report Outline for Improving Road Safety in West Vancouver Residential Area


A. Definition of road safety

B. Background of the speed limit law and Stevens Drive in West Vancouver

C. Description of the benefits of installing speed cameras

D. Purpose and intended audience

E. Brief descriptions of data sources

F. Scope of inquiry


A. Analysis of researched articles regarding the public opinion and effectiveness of speed cameras.

B. Analysis of West Vancouver resident surveys

1. A brief overview of survey respondent demographics

2. Analysis of each West Vancouver Resident survey questions

  • Do you think Stevens Drive in West Vancouver has a problem with speeding?
  • Do you know what a speed camera is?
  • Do you think the installation of a speed camera will be a violation of your privacy?
  • Do you think people will avoid speed cameras only but continues to speed otherwise?
  • How much should the speeding fine be?
  • Do you support the installation of speed cameras?

C. Proposed solution and feasibility discussion topics

  1. The cost-effectiveness of speed cameras regarding installation and fine
  2. The effectiveness of speed cameras in discouraging speeding
  3. Alternative methods to improve road safety


A. Summary of findings, public opinions, and feasibility issues

B. Recommendations from interpreting findings

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