2.3 Formal Report Outline: Improving the Knowledge of Different Post Secondary Pathways for High School Students

Formal Report Outline for Improving the Knowledge of Different Post Secondary Pathways for High School Students


                A. Definition of post secondary pathways

                B. Background on the various post secondary options in British Columbia

                C. Description of stereotypes between colleges and universities 

                D. Purpose of this report

                E.Brief description of data sources

                F. Scope of this inquiry


                A. Current post secondary resources for graduating high school students

                B. Influential factors impacting post secondary options

      1. High school environment

                                       a. High school counselors

                                       b. Teachers

                                       c. Peers

                           2. Parents

                           3. Media

                                       a. Reddit

                                       b. Instagram

                C. Analysis of survey data from high school students

                           1. Top choices for universities/colleges

                           2. Reasons for choosing those universities/colleges

                           3. Stereotypes of universities and colleges

               D. Proposed solutions and feasibility discussion

                           1. Feasibility of implementing a post secondary Q&A with current post secondary students and a campus tour                                     to various universities and colleges


                A. Summary and overall interpretation of findings

                B. Recommendations

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