TWU Research Report Outline (Revised)

City Center Community Center: TWU Students Participation in Fitness Training

I.    Introduction

A.  Introduction of TWU and City Center Community Center

B.  Background of TWU students’ participation rate at City Center before and after Covid

C.  City Center’s initiatives to attract TWU students.

D.  Purpose of the report

E.   Brief description of the research questions.

F.   Objectives and significance of the research

II.   Data section

A.    Literature Review.

1.      Overview of physical activity and exercise participation rates among university students

2.      Barriers and motivators for exercise participation among university students

3.      Previous interventions to increase exercise participation among TWU students

B.     Methodology

1.      Research design and approach

a.     Cooperate with TWU student service.

b.     City Center creates the survey contents.

c.     TWU student service helps to disseminate the survey.

2.      Data collection method

a.       Survey

3.     Sampling strategy and sample size

a.     Using UBC Qualtrics to build the survey.

b.     Target current students from TWU Richmond Campus.

c.     Minimum 50 students survey

d.     10 survey collection days

4.    Data analysis method

C.     Results

1.      Demographic characteristics of participants

2.      Barriers and motivators for exercise participation at City Center among TWU students

3.      Descriptive statistics and correlations between barriers, motivators, and exercise behavior

4.      Qualitative analysis of open-ended survey responses

D.      Discussions

1.      Summary of findings

2.      Comparison with previous literature

3.      Implications for fitness center management and recommendations for increasing TWU students’ exercise participation

4.      Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research

III.    Conclusion

A.    Recap of critical points

B.    Significance of the study and contribution to the field

C.    Final thoughts and recommendations for City Center

D     References

E.    Appendix


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