Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline for the Development of a Coyote-Tracking App for UBC Point Grey Campus and Other Neighbourhoods Surrounding Pacific Spirit Regional Park


A: Background on Pacific Spirit Park and Coyote Activity on UBC Point Grey Campus

B: Background on the Recent Uptick of Coyote Activity on UBC Point Grey Campus

C: Purpose and Intended Audience for Formal Report

D: Brief Outline of Data Sources

E: Scope of Inquiry




A): Sources of Potential Danger without a warning system in place for Up-To-Date Coyote Activity Around UBC Point Grey Campus

  1. A coyote encountering young children, even if adults are relatively near
  2. A coyote becoming too habituated with people
  3. A coyote being caught off-guard by a person who unintentionally spooks them
  4. A coyote showing aggression when travelling with their pups


B): Current Ability to Notify People of Coyotes’ Movements

  1. Park Rangers’ Signs around Pacific Spirit Regional Park
  2. Sporadic and General Online Information About Increased Coyote Activity in a Park or Area


C): Comparison to Coyote Activity in other Metro Vancouver parks surrounded by populated areas

  1. Comparison to Stanley Park Coyote Activity and the Fallout from it


D): Studies of Animal-Tracking Apps Efficacy

  1. In British Columbian Provincial and National Parks
  2. Across Canada
  3. International


E): Conflicting Views of Studies

  1. Does Animal Actually Tracking Decrease the Number of Attacks?
  2. Size of the Area in Which the Animals are Being Tracked
  3. How many people will contribute to such an app if they spot a coyote roaming in populated areas?


F): Analysis of Collected Data

  1. Surveys of students and residents of UBC Point Grey Campus about whether they have encountered coyotes
  2. Analysing the ways the Park Rangers currently warn people about coyote movements around Pacific Spirit Park


G): Proposed Solutions

  1. Coyote-Tracking App
  2. Frequent Posters in areas that, through the app, coyotes are known to frequent (with a QR Code to access the App)


H): Feasibility Discussion



A): Summary and interpretation of findings

B): Recommendations


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