Progress Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC

From: Sonja Tang, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC

Date: March 15, 2023

Subject: ENGL 301 Progress Report: Increase academic support for student athletes at the University of British Columbia

Intended Audience

I will be contacting  Natalie O’Leary, who is the Academic Support Coordinator for UBC Athletic Services.

Purpose and Significance of Report

The purpose of this report is to assess the feasibility offering free tutoring sessions for athletes only, this will ensure that the athletes are prioritized and get the amount of support they need to be successful. As well as hiring more academic advisors and creating a more cohesive academic support system for student athletes. Furthermore provide awareness for university professors on the demands of student athletes and being more flexible.

Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

  • To assess the benefits and drawbacks of the current academic support for student athletes.
  • To identify current student athletes’ perspectives and satisfaction with the current amount of academic support
  • To propose a solution for increasing amount of academic support in order to improve student athletes’ performance
  • To determine the feasibility of implementing free tutoring sessions for athletes only
  • To investigate the costs of hiring more tutors


Primary data collection via an online survey targeted towards current student athletes, specifically the UBC Varsity Golf team. Attached is the link to the survey questions being used to gather data for this report:

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline for the formal report:

Assignment 2.3: Outline for Formal Proposal

Research Plan

In order to analyze the feasibility of offering free tutoring sessions to UBC athletes, I plan to:

  • Compose survey questions
  • Distribute the survey to student athletes on the UBC Golf team to be filled out anonymously
  • Report current student athletes on the UBC Golf team perspectives and satisfaction with the current amount of academic support received
  • Compile data and analyze survey responses
  • Produce visuals based on survey data
  • Investigate the benefits of offering tutor sessions to athletes only
  • Determine the feasibility of offering free tutoring sessions for athletes only
  • Investigate the costs

Writing Schedule

March 15: Post Formal Report Progress Report
March 16: Send out surveys via email and investigate the costs
March 23: Close data collection and compile survey results
March 24: Analyze and organize data and start writing Formal Report draft
March 29: Post draft of Formal Report
Apr 3: Receive Peer Review and make edits
Apr 9: Complete final edits of Formal Report
Apr 12: Formal Report due
Thank you for reviewing my progress report. If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

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