2.3 | Memo: Progress Report of Formal Proposal


To:                    Erika Paterson (ENGL 301 Professor)

From:              Amy McCoan (ENGL 301 Student)

Date:               March 15, 2023

Subject:           Progress Report of Formal Proposal to Increase Online Classes at UBC

Intended Audience 

Dr. Clare Haru Crowston, UBC Dean of Arts

Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to assess the demand and potential impact of offering increased online or hybrid classes to students at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and to UBC itself.

Significance of Report

This report outlines how UBC can achieve higher grade standing, increased graduate rates, and ranking by offering a better remote educational experience.


  • To assess the demand for distance education
  • To identify the current number of classes offered (in-person versus online/hybrid) in the PSYC department
  • To assess the feasibility of increasing remote education offers
  • To assess the pros and cons of remote education from both a faculty and student perspective
  • To analyze student experience of how class format impacts grades, well-being, and graduation
  • To give an in-depth report of the above analysis and provide recommendations for optimizing UBC’s distance education in the PSYC department

Research Plan

  • Assess and identify the impact of the current class schedule on students’ grades, well-being, and graduation timeline
  • Determine if those factors would increase positively if UBC expanded its distance education classes
  • Primary surveys will be collected online from PSYC 365 Piazza/Canvas and on Reddit targeted to students with commutes greater than 2 hours/day and/or part-time jobs to assess the first point. Please see the survey here
  • Interviews will be conducted with PSYC professors (if possible) during office hours, regarding the pros and cons of distance education. The sample list of questions is here: Interview Questions for Professors
  • Email correspondence will be sent to the Dean of Arts to enquire about the cost factors of increasing distance education
  • Secondary research plans include my investigation of UBC’s current class offers in the PSYC department as well as literature reviews of the link between remote education and student success
  • Analyse and compile the data from both primary and secondary sources and provide an appropriate solution

Writing Schedule

  • March 16 Book office hours with PSYC professors for interviews
  • March 17 send out primary surveys and email the Dean of Arts post approval from the professor.
  • March 19 Investigate secondary sources (UBC website and literature reviews)
  • March 20 Draft the Introduction section
  • March 23 Draft the Methodology section
  • March 24 Close surveys, analyze data and compile visuals
  • March 25 Draft collected data and conclusion
  • March 26 Edit draft
  • March 29 Submit formal report draft to the team forum
  • March 30 Peer review for fellow team members
  • April 4 Amend draft based on peer review feedback
  • April 12 Submit the formal report

Thank you for reviewing my progress report, please contact me if you have any further suggestions.

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