Salma Ismail- Progress on Formal Report 

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor, <>

From: Salma Ismail, ENGL 301 Student, <>

Date: March 15, 2023 

Subject: Progress on Formal Report 

Hello Erika Paterson,

As requested in Lesson 2.3, I have written a progress report for my formal report.  This email memo includes the intended audience and purpose of the report, its significance, its objectives, my research plan, and my writing schedule.

Audience of Report

The audience of this report is South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (SVNH), a non-profit organization that provides youth services to newcomer youth in the South Vancouver community. SVNH is funded by Immigration, Refugee, Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to provide newcomer youth-focused programs in the area to meet the demographic’s needs.

Purpose Of Report

SVNH is one of the few organizations that provide services directly for newcomer youth. Despite this, there has been evidence of lower attendance rates for their mental health programs than other services. This is concerning as many newcomer youths have reported facing mental health issues compared to their non-newcomer counterparts. As such, this report gathers data from front-line staff who work directly with the population to identify potential barriers newcomer youth face when accessing services and barriers limiting staff from providing adequate mental health programs. 

Significance Of This Report: 

The findings from this report will address the gaps in mental health services for newcomer youth which may have a positive long-term effect on the mental well-being of newcomers who access them. The findings will also provide information to create recommendations on best practices to improve mental health programs for newcomer youth and support SVNH in advocating for funding and resources from their funder, IRCC, for mental health services.


  • Determine the most significant barriers limiting newcomer youth from accessing mental health resources 
  • Identify barriers to providing adequate mental health programs 
  • Highlight strategies of Youth Workers to recruit participants that have worked 
  • Develop recommendations on best practices to improve programs and attendance 

Research Plan: 

To report on the issue of the gaps of service in mental health programs for newcomer youth, I intend to:

  1. Gather background information on the demographic composition of the newcomer youth population in South Vancouver 
  2. Complete a literature review on the effect of mental health services on the newcomer youth population to determine the significance of programs on the mental health outcomes of newcomer youth and contextualize survey and interview results
  3. Distribute the survey to Youth Workers and Settlement Workers at SVNH and gather quantitative data
    1. Survey questions (draft) found here
  4. Set up interview appointments and conduct informal interviews with staff to gather qualitative data 
  5. Analyze the primary data collected through the survey and interviews, identifying patterns, trends, and key insights in responses
  6. Identify feasible recommendations using literature review and primary analysis, focusing on a cost-effective and person-centered approach to implement programs

Writing Schedule:

  • March 15: Post Formal Report Progress Report
  • March 16/17: Upon approval of the survey and interview questions, the survey will be sent to Youth Workers, and interview dates will be set
  • March 16 to March 22: Conduct the literature review
  • March 18 to March 24: Complete data gathering and compile the survey’s findings
  • March 24 to March 29: Analyze and compile data, then begin drafting a formal report
  • March 29: Post the draft of the formal report
  • April 2: Receive peer review and make appropriate edits
  • April 10: Complete the final edits of the formal report
  • April 12: Formal Report due

Interview Questions: ENGL 301- INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (1)

Survey Questions:

Please let me know if there are necessary changes to be made regarding the information mentioned above. Thank you for taking the time to read the memo.


Kind regards,

Salma Ismail

ENGL 301 Student.

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