Memorandum – Formal Report Progress Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Professor
From: Aman Johal, ENGL 301 Student
Date: March 15, 2023
Subject: ENGL 301 Progress Report: Increasing the Student Transportation Methods on Campus

Audience for Report:
Associate Vice-President, UBC Campus + Community Planning, Michael White

Purpose of Report:
The purpose of the report is to investigate the feasibility of introducing additional student rideshare options, like e-scooters, to minimize the stress of rushing between classes.

Significance of Report:
Through examination of research results, the intended audience can decide whether there are perceived student benefits towards enhancing availability and accessibility of campus ridesharing options.

Report Objectives:
• To outline the stressors students face with consecutive classes spanned across campus
• To determine the current barriers of Hopr ridesharing and the need of an alternative option
• To confirm the feasibility of implementing a new ridesharing option. (using UBCO Lime scooters as an example)

Primary data is collected via an online survey targeted to all students at UBC Vancouver campus, Additional data will be collected via a brief questionnaire directed to the UBC Okanagan Campus Sustainability Office regarding their current ridesharing campus landscape.

• Link to the survey:
• Questions to be sent to UBCO Sustainability Office

o What is the general sentiment towards the ridesharing scooters on campus, from a student perspective and UBC campus perspective?
o From your experience, what a re some hurdles towards implementing a similar system at UBC Vancouver campus

Secondary sources will include relevant literature.

Formal Report Outline:

Research Plan:
In order provide appropriate recommendations and determine their subsequent feasibility, I plan to:
• Identify the magnitude of burden that students face when rushing to attend subsequent classes.
• Research primary literature for evidence-based claims regarding student stress and punctuality
• Design a survey for students to determine the current landscape of ridesharing on campus, the pros and cons of the current option(s), and willingness/feedback for alternative options
• Distribute survey and collect primary data
• Develop and send a brief questionnaire in order to gain more primary data and supplement recommendations and feasibility
• Perform a data analysis on survey data
• Draw conclusions using findings from primary data, primary literature, and secondary sources and produce appropriate recommendations

Writing Schedule
Attached is my writing schedule

301 Aman Johal Writing Schedule

Thank you for taking the time to read over my progress report. I look forward to your opinions.

One comment on “Memorandum – Formal Report Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Aman,

    Thank you for this progress report and survey – this looks great and your survey is approved for posting, I look forward to learning more.

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