2.3 – Memorandum for Progress Report of Formal Proposal


To: Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Junelie Guevarra, ENGL 301 Student

Date: March 15, 2023

Subject: Progress Report on Improving the Knowledge of Different Post Secondary Pathways for High School Students

Hello Dr. Paterson,


Based on assignment 2.3, I wrote a progress report for the formal report. The progress report summarizes the intended audience, purpose of report, significance of report, objectives, research plan and the writing schedule.

Intended Audience 

South Vancouver Neighbourhood House Youth Workers, Kathy Do and David Thompson Community Schools Team (CST) Coordinator, Maggie Li

Purpose of Report

The purpose of the report is to identify the gaps in high school students’ knowledge and how to educate students on different post secondary pathways.

Significance of Report

The report will provide recommendations for improving the quality and accessibility of resources regarding colleges and universities for high school students.


  • Analyzing current knowledge of student’s post secondary options
  • Identifying the most popular post secondary choices
  • Identifying the least popular post secondary choices
  • Analyzing reasons students are not attending least popular post secondary institutions
  • Identifying current sources of information students receive
  • Assessing realistic solutions to alleviate gaps in student’s knowledge

Research Plan

  • Examining the current post secondary resources for high school students
  • Identifying gaps in students’ knowledge in certain topics on application process, requirements and course load
  • Analyzing how informative the resources are 
  • Collecting primary source data through survey respondents through a qualtrics survey: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3q3gC3xa6w4OvYi
  • Analyzing academic journals and secondary sources such as news articles correlated to the quality of post secondary options
  • Examining collected survey data from primary source and recommend a solution

Writing Schedule

  • March 17: Open Survey and send to contact at South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
  • March 18: Analyze secondary sources and Global News article
  • March 22: Create Introduction section draft
  • March 24: Create Methods section draft 
  • March 27: Close Surveys, organize survey data and create data charts
  • March 28: Edit draft
  • March 29: Submit draft of Formal Report to Team SJGG forum
  • April 3 – Peer Review of Formal Report Draft
  • April 4: Examine suggestions from peer review, edit draft based on recommendations
  • April 12: Submit pdf file of final report on Team SJGG forum

Thank you for taking the time to read my email memo. Please advise if any further information is required.

Survey Questions: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3q3gC3xa6w4OvYi


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