2:3 Memo for Daniel’s Progress Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Daniel Kim

Date: March 15th, 2023

Subject: Engl 301 Progress Report

As requested, here is the progress report for my formal report. This email memorandum will include an attached Formal Report Outline, the intended audience, the report’s significance, report objectives, research methods, research plan, and writing schedule. 

Formal Report Outline:

Formal Report Outline

Intended Audience:

This report is intended for Professor Deborah Buszard, the current president of UBC and the AMS Council Committee.

Significance of the Report:

This report aims to suggest ways to create more affordable transportation methods for UBC students and staff members. With the increase in prices across all expenditures related to transportation, such as bus prices, taxis, rental cars, parking passes, gas, and vehicles, the accessibility of transportation has been diminishing over the past decade. As a result, the same people who rely on transportation to get to places that help run organizations and infrastructures will have an increasing barrier from increased transportation pricing. This report highlights the importance of this issue and brings forth solutions to help assist individuals, especially within the UBC community, in accessing transportation affordability.

Report Objective:

  • To gather insight into the current methods of transportation and increase in prices
  • To discover UBC’s stance on this issue and to know if there are any plans to tackle this issue
  • To gain information from the perspective of students and staff members
  • To suggest potential solutions to help mitigate the issue of increased costs in transportation
  • To pinpoint the most effective but also realistic method to implement
  • To determine what additional information or resources are will be needed for this proposal

Research Methods:

The primary data will be in two parts; the first will be an online survey given to UBC students and staff commuters. The second is a short interview questionnaire that will be sent to the current president of UBC, Professor Deborah Buszard, and the AMS Council Committee. 

Here is the attached link to the survey questions: https://forms.gle/b9PeYHsW4nG5XYjZ9

Here is an email attached to Professor Deborah Buszard as a pdf of questions: Email to Professor Deborah Buszard

Here is an email attached to the AMS Council Committee as a pdf of questions: Email to the AMS Council & Committee

The secondary data will include scholarly articles about price inflation, the decrease in purchasing power, and the increase in the price of transportation-related costs.

Research Plan:

To accomplish the report’s objective, I plan to:

  • Create survey questions 
  • Send a professional email to interviewees with the set of questions 
  • Compile the results from the survey and email questions
  • Continue with secondary research through literature reviews of the current trends of increased costs and find effective ways to rectify this issue
  • Brainstorm methods that can be implemented in UBC’s official mandates

Writing Schedule: 

  • March 15th: Post-Formal Report Progress Report
  • March 17th: With the approval of the survey and questionnaire, send the survey to a large collection of UBC students and staff members. Furthermore, send the email questionnaire to the AMS Council and Professor Deborah Buszard
  • March 23rd: Start compiling data from survey
  • March 24th: Close the survey and continue to compile the data from the survey and questionnaire
  • March 15th to 25th: Conduct literature review
  • March 29th: Post the Formal Report draft
  • April 3rd: Receive peer review 
  • April 3rd to 9th: Continue with suggestions and edits
  • April 12th: Formal Report due


Daniel Kim

One comment on “2:3 Memo for Daniel’s Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Daniel,

    Thank you for posting this progress report and survey. This looks excellent, and your survey is ready to be posted.

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