Assignment 3.1 – Email Memorandum to Evan Crisp

To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student <>
From: Cheka Duheme, ENGL 301 Student <>
Date: March 22, 2023
Subject: Best Practices in Writing an Email to a Professor

Dear Evan,

Thank-you for reaching out and sharing your concerns. The ability to compose an email is one of the most useful skills to possess, even though it can be challenging at times. Below is a list of suggestions for composing an effective email to a professor:

  • Using an email from your academic institution prevents it from being filtered as spam and gives it credibility.
  • Ensure the subject-line is concise to ensure your professor knows the email’s purpose.
  • A well-structured email with an introduction, body, and conclusion helps the reader understand the request.
  • Addressing the professor with proper titles (e.g. doctor/professor) can illustrate respect towards them.
  • Avoid acronyms (e.g. ttfn/asap) or abbreviations (e.g. ec for your name) as this can be perceived as informal.
  • Avoid using negative expressions such as “I refuse” as a professor may perceive this as condescending.
  • Avoid making a demand like “get back to me asap” as a professor may perceive this as inconsiderate.
  • Reframe with positive expressions like “please” or “appreciate” which can make the request more appealing.
  • Remove unnecessary details that can hinder the email’s purpose such as “8AM section is way too early..for me”. 
  • Being positive, flexible, and polite will increase the chances of finding a mutually-satisyfing solution with a professor.
  • Providing full name, student ID number, course code, and contact information for a prompt response.
  • Ensuring the email is proof-read for any spelling and grammar errors for readability and appearance.

Following the list of suggestions, will help compose an effective email and elicit a positive response from a professor. If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at

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