Assignment 3.1 | Email Memo to Evan Crisp

To: Evan Crisp <>

From: Carman Chu <>

Date: March 22, 2023

Subject: Best Practices for in Writing an E-mail to a Professor Seeking to be Added to a Full Course


Dear Evan,

As requested, here is a list of best practices for writing an email to a professor seeking to be added to a full course. These practices can help with writing a more professional and concise email to a professor.

  • Brief Subject Line: Including a subject line allows the receiver to understand what the email may be about, which can result in a faster response.
  • Professional Email: A professional or institutional email will show the Professor that you are a student or professional inquiring. A regular email not including a name or institution may be considered spam.
  • Address the Receiver: Addressing the reader of the email will help greet the reader and establish a professional tone.
  • Avoid Demands and Imperative Verbs: Instead of telling the Professor what to do, kindly ask for the request with a reasonable reason.
  • Proofread Before Sending: Proofreading before sending an email will help catch mistakes. Editing the email accordingly will allow for a more concise and professional email.
  • Avoid Using Improper Language: Instead of sending an email with “TTFN,” try using “Sincerely” or “Regards” to show respect to the receiver.
  • Professional Tone: When sending an email to another professional, it is essential to keep the tone professional to show respect and to be serious with the other person.
  • Structured Email: The email should follow a flow, introduction, body, and conclusion. A well-structured email allows the reader to quickly understand what is being requested.
  • Closing Statement: Thanking the reader and reiterating the request in a few sentences will show sentiment to the reader and express gratitude.

Following these tips and points about writing a professional email to a professor will help the likelihood of a favourable response. Please feel free to contact me for additional information at

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