Assignment 3.1| Memo to Evan Crisp


To: Evan Crisp, UBC Undergraduate Student, <>  

From: Karolina Atehortua, ENGL301 Student, <> 

Date: March 22, 2023 

Subject: Best Practices for Writing Effective Emails to Professors


Thank you for reaching out to ENGL301 students for help on writing an effective email to Professor Lambert. To increase the likelihood of a favourable response, it’s important to adhere to best practices and demonstrate respect for the professor’s time. Considering that, below are highlighted list of recommendations. 

List of Recommendations: 

To facilitate a favourable response, while showing respect for Professor Lambert, the following are recommended: 

  • Beginning with a clear and concise subject line that reflects the purpose of the email allows the professor to quickly understand the email’s subject matter. 
  • Using appropriate personal email demonstrates the writer’s competence.
  • Beginning the email with a polite greeting and addressing the professor by their appropriate title demonstrates respect.
  • Including a personal introduction and explanation for writing establishes a formal tone for the email and allows the professor to understand the case from the beginning.
  • Explaining the reasoning for wanting to be added to the course while emphasizing the benefits of the course will persuade the professor of the desire to be added to the course. 
  • Recognizing that the course is full and apologizing for any inconvenience caused by the request will demonstrate professionalism and respect. 
  • Offering potential solutions, such as inquiring if there is a waiting list or if the professor is aware of any similar courses that may meet the requirements. 
  • Ending with a polite and appreciative closing, is important to show value towards professors time and consideration.  
  • Making sure that the email doesn’t have any spelling and grammatical errors before sending is crucial for a professional email.  
  • Finally, keeping the email brief and to the point is preferable. 


To conclude, composing emails in academic and professional setting takes time and practice. Nevertheless, showing consideration of the reader and respect will most likely result in a favourable response. Hopefully, these recommendations were helpful. If there are any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. 

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