Memorandum: Writing with You Attitude


To: Evan Crisp, UBC Undergraduate Student
From: Helen Zhou, ENGL 301 Student
Date: March 22, 2023
Subject: Best Practices for Professional Emails to Professors

Dear Evan,

Thank you for reaching out to the ENGL 301 class for advice on writing professional emails to professors. Here are recommendations that will help with effectively communicating a request to be admitted to a full course.

  • Using an appropriate and professional email, such as a UBC email address, will demonstrate credibility.
  • Indicating a clear and concise email subject line will help catch the professor’s attention and allow them to gain an initial understanding of the request.
  • Addressing the professor with a suitable title, such as Dr. Lambert or Professor Lambert, throughout the email will demonstrate respect.
  • Providing a brief and formal introduction will help the professor establish background and understanding.
  • Acknowledging the short time frame of the request and demonstrating gratitude for any accommodations can increase the likelihood of a response.
  • Refraining from the use of pronouns, such as ‘you’, and abbreviations to ensure a polite and respectful tone.
  • Proofreading the message to identify grammar errors, typos, and incorrect formatting will increase readability and understanding of the email.
  • Avoiding imperatives will reduce any condescending or demanding tones.
  • Ending the email with a thank you and a formal sign-off displays appreciation for the time and attention.

Writing professional emails is important for effective communication. Utilizing these suggestions can lead to increased efficiency and clarity in emails. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please email me at

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