Unit 3.1 – Memorandum Demonstrating You- Attitude


To: Evan Crisp, English 301 Student

From: Michael Ly, English 301 Student

Date: March 22, 2023

Subject: Best Writing Practices for Writing Email Messages to Professors


I have reviewed your email written for Dr. Lambert and have provided some suggestions that can be used to improve the professional appearance of the email and the chances for a positive response. Please see below for the summary of suggestions.

Tips for writing Emails to Professors

  • Including a subject line to establish email intent and urgency
  • Establishing email structure with a formal open, body, and closing remark
  • Setting a professional tone with the formal opening by addressing recipient by “Dear Dr. Lambert”
  • Using correct spelling, grammar, and appropriate spacing to improve readability and maintain professional tone
  • Including information on the course name and number will help provide important context for the reader
  • Eliminating additional information that may move away from the main intent of the email
  • Avoiding imperative verbs and “you’s” to prevent sounding condescending or commanding
  • Closing formally with the the writers full name maintains professional tone and structure of email


Communicating professionally through is an essential skill. Being able to maintain a clear message, structure, and tone throughout the email is important to improving persuasion to achieve the best response. If you have any further questions please email me at theta239@student.ubc.ca.


Michael Ly

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