Formal Report – Salma Ismail

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor, <>

From: Salma Ismail, ENGL 301 Student, <>

Date: April 12, 2023 

Subject: Formal Report Submission 

Hello Erika Paterson,

Please find attached the PDF of the formal report titled, Mental Health Programs and Services for
Newcomer Youth: Exploring Needs and Enhancing Access. The Formal Report includes:

  • Letter of Transmittal
  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Report (Introduction, Data Section, Conclusion)
  • Appendix
  • Works Cited

Thank you for taking the time to read my report and I am look forward to your feedback.

ENGL 301 Salma Ismail FINAL (1)

Kind regards,

Salma Ismail.

ENGL 301 Student

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