Author: JunelieGuevarra

2.1 Memorandum for Formal Report Proposal

MEMORANDUM To: Erika Paterson From: Junelie Guevarra Date: February 23, 2023 Subject: Memo — Formal Proposal for Improving the Knowledge of Different Post Secondary Pathways for High School Students   As required for Unit 2.1, all English 301 students must

2.1 Formal Proposal for Improving the Knowledge of Different Post Secondary Pathways for High School Students

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor From: Junelie Guevarra, ENGL 301 Student Date: February 23, 2023 Subject: Proposal for Improving the Knowledge of Different Post Secondary Pathways for High School Students   Introduction High school students aspire to study

Revised Definition: Agonist

Writers must choose a word that is not used in day-to-day vocabulary. The objective of this assignment is to create 3 types of definitions which can be used for different situations. The criteria indicates that writers must create an expanded

Peer Review: Gabriella Generoso

Name of the Reviewer: Junelie Guevarra Author’s Name: Gabrielle Generoso Peer Review / Term: Judicial Review Thank you for your submission of Assignment 1.3. Please examine the peer review of your assignment below. The peer review includes suggestions on areas

1.3 Definition Assignment Submission – Guevarra

Writers must choose a word that is not used in day-to-day vocabulary. The objective of this assignment is to create 3 types of definitions which can be used for different situations. The criteria indicates that writers must create an expanded


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