Author: LiamPlosker

Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline for the Development of a Coyote-Tracking App for UBC Point Grey Campus and Other Neighbourhoods Surrounding Pacific Spirit Regional Park

I: INTRODUCTION A: Background on Pacific Spirit Park and Coyote Activity on UBC Point Grey Campus B: Background on the Recent Uptick of Coyote Activity on UBC Point Grey Campus C: Purpose and Intended Audience for Formal Report D: Brief

Assignment 2.2 – The 10 Best Practices for a LinkedIn Memo

To: Karolina Atehortua, Nina Nakanishi and Jennifer Dunbar From: Liam Plosker Subject: The 10 Best Practices for a LinkedIn Memo 1. Be wary of your tone – keeping a professional tone in your bio immediately shows you are a serious candidate

Assignment 2.1: Peer Review for Nina’s Proposal

To: Nina Nakinishi, Author From: Liam Plosker, Reviewer Peer Review: Assignment 2.1: Formal Report Proposal for Introducing Virtual Talking Room to Remote Work Setting   First Impressions This is a well-structured formal report proposal. The problem being addressed is clearly

Assignment 2.1: Memo for Formal Writing Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor   From: Liam Plosker, ENGL 301 Student   Date: February 24, 2023   Subject: Confirmation of Proposal Posting   As laid out in lesson 2.1, my formal writing proposal has been posted in

Assignment 2.1: Formal Proposal for a Coyote-Tracking App for UBC Point Grey Campus and Other Neighbourhoods Bordering Pacific Spirit Regional Park

To: Erika Paterson   From: Liam Plosker   Date: February 24, 2023   Subject: Formal Proposal for a Coyote-Tracking App for UBC Point Grey Campus and Other Neighbourhoods Bordering Pacific Spirit Park   Introduction:   Located adjacent to Pacific Spirit

Assignment 1:3 Peer Review of Authoritative Parents Definition

To: Nina Nakanishi, Author From: Liam Plosker Peer Review Term: Authoritative Parents Definition Under Review:   First Impressions:   This is a well-structured document. It is information-rich while remaining easy to read. The audience and situation is clearly defined,

Unit One Reflection Blog

Throughout the process of writing, giving and receiving feedback via peer review, and revising, I learnt about how easy it is to miss subtle syntactic and grammatical features in your first draft, particularly when striving to compose one’s writing in

Revised Definition – Assignment 1:3

Liam Plosker 61201224 Assignment 1:3: Three Definitions   Introduction: The objective of Assignment 1:3 is to understand the role definitions play in technical writing. To fulfil this objective, the parenthetical, sentence and expanded definitions of a relatively complex term will

1:3 Assignment: Three Definitions

Liam Plosker 61201224 Assignment 1:3: Three Definitions   Introduction: The objective of Assignment 1:3 is to understand the role definitions play in technical writing. To fulfil this objective, the parenthetical, sentence and expanded definitions of a relatively complex term will


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