Author: long you

I will peer review Sonja’s assignment

Hi folks, I have not received your replies about your preferences for partners. Sonja’s target audience is Kinesiology students, so I will try to peer review her assignment. Sonja will evaluate my assignment. That being said, Elly and Chris will

Revised definitions for “Registered Kinesiologist”

Introduction: Many people tend to associate kinesiologists with exercise instructors who teach fitness classes or work as personal trainers. However, in Canada, a registered kinesiologist is actually a regulated health practitioner. The following are parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions of

Will repost my term definition

Hi team, I missed some content after reviewing the assignment requirement, I will repost my work tonight. Thanks! Long

Assignment 1.3 : Three definition of “Kinesiology”

Term: Kinesiologist Target audience and Situation: General Public Parenthetical Definition Human movement specialist. Sentence Definition A Kinesiologist studies human movement, physical and sport activity to understand their impact on health, performance, society, and quality of life. Expanded Definition A Kinesiologist who has

Kinesiologist: Three definitions

Target audience and Situation: General Public Term: Kinesiologist Parenthetical Definition Human movement specialist. Sentence Definition A Kinesiologist studies human movement, physical activity and sport, their impact on health, performance, society, and quality of life. Expanded Definition A Kinesiologist provides unique and valuable

Assignment Due on Feb 8th

Hi Team, Just a reminder for the assignment due on Feb 8: Write three definitions: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition on your writing team forum board before midnight [late assignments will loose 0.5 points per day]


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