Category: Instructor’s Blog

Example of Proposal Memo

Memorandum To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor From: XXX XXX, ENGL301 Student Date: June 22, 2022 Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal for Integrating Ultrasonic scaling at Pediatric Dental Practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba. According to the requirements of the lesson

An excellent example of how to include details ….

Hello 301, Many of you will have received the note: Details Please. Here is an example of a nicely detailed First Impressions section: Note: The consistent use of present tense Details are in bold Initial Impressions: The document does a

Another note on Pronouns

Hello 301   While reading Peer Reviews this week I noticed some people are a little confused about removing pronouns from your writing. For example, one review advises:  **–>  All personal pronouns used in the document can be replaced by

An example of a well-organized and expressed Reflection Blog

One note that I often give students is short and simple: “Details please.” Here is an example of a nicely detailed Reflection Blog: Unit One Reflection Blog Writing the first draft of the Technical definition In the first unit of

Organizing Peer Reviews

Organizing Peer Reviews: Peer reviews should be organized with subheadings and bullet points Sub-headings should include each and every element of the document under review as well as general elements First Impressions is a good subheading to begin a review For example:

Tips for Lesson 1:3: Definitions, Peer Reviews, and Reflections

Good Friday Morning 301, I have passed the week reading your Application Letters and will begin to send out Evaluation sheets this week. This is a process, so evaluation is continuous, please read the welcome paragraphs on your evaluations sheets

Details, pronouns, and unnecessary words

Good Wed Morning 301; As I read through your letters of applications and memos, I will take note of the most common errors and provide examples on how to correct these errors below. The smart thing to do when you

Writing Tips for the Letter of Application

Hello 301; The most common error at the beginning of this course is “Too Many Unnecessary Words”. Please study the examples below and note the “tricks” for correcting this common error. I says “tricks” because English is a tricky language!

A Short Bio

Good Day English 301; I hope you’ve all had an opportunity to read through the course description and schedule. Please do not hesitate to either email me or post on our chat page with any questions or comments you may


Welcome English 301 Hello everyone. I am pleased to be beginning a new semester of English 301. I designed this course as an online course in 2014 and have been teaching all my courses online since that time. I am


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