Category: Team Forum

Peer Review of Salma Ismail’s Formal Report Draft

To: Salma Ismail, English 301 Student Writer From: Gareth Yuen, English 301 Student Reviewer Date: April 3, 2023 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft for Mental Health Programs and Services for Newcomer Youth: Exploring Needs and Enhancing Access Thank

Peer Review: Proposal Draft Gareth Yuen

To: Gareth Yuen, English 301 Student Writer From: Salma Ismail, English 301 Student Reviewer Date: April 2, 2023 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal: Improving Road Safety in the West Vancouver Residential Area Thank you for submitting this proposal to

Peer Review of Formal Report Draft (Revised)

Peer Review of Formal Report Draft To: Sonja Tang, English 301 Student Writer From: Elly Kim, 301 Student Date: Apr 3rd, 2023   Subject: Increasing Academic Support for Student Athletes at the University of British Columbia   Thank you for

Assignment 3.3 – Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

To: Karolina Atehortua, ENGL 301 Student From: Liam Plosker, ENGL 301 Student Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft   Presentation: This document looks sound and reads smoothly. The incorporation of simple but effective visuals into it helps to buttress

3.3 | Peer Review for Formal Proposal Draft (Installing Mirrors in Aritzia)

To: Angie Zhou (Author) From: Amy McCoan (Peer Reviewer) Date: April 2, 2023 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft: Feasibility Analysis of Installing a Mirror Inside Each Change Room in Aritzia. Thank you for submitting the Formal Report Draft

Revised Peer Review of Formal Report Draft -Long

To: Chris Wu, English 301 Student Writer From: Long You, English 301 Student Reviewer Date: Apr 16, 2023 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft: Improving Sleep Quality and Well-Being: A Proposal for a Comprehensive Sleep Promotion Program for UBC Students

Assignment 3.2 – Formal Report Draft

To: Carman Chu, ENGL 301 Student <> From: Cheka Duheme, ENGL 301 Student <> Date: March 30, 2023 Subject: Submission of Formal Proposal Draft Dear Carman, As requested in Unit 3, Lesson 2, I have written a draft of my formal report on “How

Assignment 3.2 | Formal Report Draft

To: Cheka Duheme, ENGL 301 Student From: Carman Chu, ENGL 301 Student Date: March 29, 2023 Subject: Submission of Formal Report Draft   Hi Cheka, As requested, I have written my formal report draft about implementing online wait times and

To: Aman Johal, ENGL 301 Student <> From: Corbyn Kwan, ENGL 301 Student <> Subject: Formal Report Draft to be Peer Reviewed Date: March 31, 2023 Dear Aman, Enclosed is a PDF of my Formal Report Draft. Please peer-review the

Revised Peer Review: Formal Report Draft

To: Sangita Dutta, ENGL 301 Student, <> From: Emilyn Sim, ENGL 301 Student, <> Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft for Extending Ergonomic Setup at UBC: an Assessment of Ergonomic Benefits and Feasibility of Implementation Date: March 31, 2023


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