Category: Team Forum

2.3 Formal Report Outline

Investigating the Feasibility of Implementing Ramadan Meals Accommodation for UBC Students I. INTRODUCTION A. Background on Ramadan B. Statement of problem C. Proposed solution D. Intended audience E. Scope II. METHODS A. Qualitative data collection through focus groups B. Quantitative

Formal Report Outline

Formal Report Outline for Revising Library Procedures Upon Prevention of Stress and Distractions on UBC Libraries INTRODUCTION A. Background and context on stress and distractions in UBC Libraries i. Definition of stress and distractions in UBC Libraries ii. Background information

Formal Report Outline – Terry Chou

Formal Report Outline for Proposal to Address the Issue of Academic Misconduct in CPSC 110 Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION A. Definition of academic misconduct in the context of CPSC 110 B. Background on the academic issues in CPSC 110 C. Overview of problem

Formal Report Outline for Improving Road Safety in West Vancouver Residential Area

I. INTRODUCTION A. Definition of road safety B. Background of the speed limit law and Stevens Drive in West Vancouver C. Description of the benefits of installing speed cameras D. Purpose and intended audience E. Brief descriptions of data sources

Outline for Formal Proposal

Formal Report on the Proposal for Promoting Healthy Sleep Habits among UBC Students I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of current sleep habits among UBC students B. Overview of negative effects of poor sleep habits and description of benefits C. Purpose and

Formal Report Outline

Formal Report Outline for Increasing the Student Transportation Methods on Campus I. INTRODUCTION 1. Background information about the difficulties and stressors of getting across campus to attend class on time 2. Description of the current student ridesharing options on campus

Assignment 2.3: Outline for Formal Proposal

Formal Report Outline for Proposal for increasing academic support for student athletes at the University of British Columbia I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of current academic support for student athletes at UBC B. Overview of lack of academic support and description

Assignment 2.3 | Formal Report Outline

Formal Report Outline for Implementing Joining Online Waitlists and Viewing Waitlist Times Online at Cactus I. INTRODUCTION A. Background information about Cactus Club Cafe as a company B. Overview of the current wait times situation C. Purpose of this study

2.3 Formal Report Outline

Introducing Daily Specials At Cactus Club Cafe to Increase Customer Volume During the Months of January to April  I. INTRODUCTION A. Background on Cactus Club Cafe B. Background on problem areas 1. Downturn in customer volume during the months of January

Formal Report Outline

Formal Report Outline for Implementing Express Lines at Tim Hortons that are located on UBC Vancouver Campus I. INTRODUCTION A. Background information about the current wait times at Tim Hortons B. Description of the benefits of Implementing Express Lines C. Purpose


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